SquirrelMail series

6. How to highlight messages in SquirrelMail

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to SquirrelMail webmail

Now let's learn how to highlight messages

1) Click the Options link

2) Then click Message Highlighting

This is the highlighting page where we can have certain messages highlighted in our Inbox for easier viewing

3) Let's go ahead and adjust our settings now.  Click New to create a new highlight preference

4) Enter an Identifying Name here

5) Select a color here

6) Enter the name which you wish to have email addresses highlighted for

7) Then click Submit

That's it!  We have now set the settings for highlighted messages.  You can edit existing settings by clicking here... or add a new one by clicking here

8) Click Done

9) Click INBOX

Notice how messages from Nichole are now highlighted due to our new settings

This is the end of the tutorial.  You now know how to highlight messages in SquirrelMail