Joomla 2.5 extensions series

12. How to add a Google Maps component in Joomla

This tutorial assumes you are already logged into your Joomla admin panel

1) Select the Extensions menu item

2) Then down and click on the Extension Manager

3) Click the Browse button

4) Select the component extension you wish to install

5) Now select the Open button

6) Next click on the Upload & Install button

Now let's configure our component

7) Select the Components menu item

8) Then down to Zh GoogleMap and over to Maps

9) Scroll to the right and click on the Options button

10) Select the Google Earth API Key field

11) Enter your Google Key. It's free from Google and can be used for both Google Earth and Maps

12) Click the Save & Close button

13) Let's create a new map, select the New button

14) Select the Title field and enter a title for this map

15) Select the Description field and enter a description

16) Scroll down to enter the Width and Height of the map

17) Scroll down to the map in order to set our Latitude and Longitude coordinates

These fields are auto inserted from our map selection

18) Next select the Save & Close button

Let's create a menu item that links to our new map

19) Select the Menus menu item

20) Then down to Top and over to Add New Menu Item

21) Click on the Select button for Menu Item Type

22) For a Menu Item Type select Map under Zh GoogleMap

23) Select the Menu Title field and enter the title for this menu item

24) Now click on the Save & Close button

Let's view our map on the site's homepage

25) Select the View Site link

26) Click the new OUR HOME menu item we created for our map

You now know how to add a Google Map to Joomla